Kampala Hash House Harriers is a Drinking Club with a Running problem!! :)We Hash every Monday Rain or Shine but due to Covid-19 we currently hash on weekend Saturdays. Monday Run/walk starts in different pub or Restaurant or Hotel around Kampala. Monday Hash Runs cost Ugx.10,000  and every hasher is required to pay whenever he/she shows up. On Mondays we meet at between 5pm – 5:58pm, Run starts 6pm and Run/walk usually last for about an hour, with stops and followed by some beer drink stops - both traditional and contemporary - silliness and then dinner. Whatever happens after that it is your own business. We won\'t judge!!!

Next Monday Hash!

Details for the next monday hash are not yet posted. Check back in a second.

Next Weekend Hash

Details for the next weekend hash are not yet posted. Check back in a second.

Date Run No start time Location

Running after beer since 1986

©2025 Kampala hash house harriers